Lucy works in the patents area, in drafting and portfolio management and in particular in European Patent Office oppositions. She acts for clients in defence of their own patents and in opposition to those of their competitors.
Lucy’s experience in European Patent Office opposition and appeal proceedings is extensive. In over 30 years as a patent attorney, she has represented clients in over 500 opposition and appeal hearings.
Lucy works with a range of clients including large multinational companies headquartered in Europe and further afield. Notable clients include a globally leading FMCG supplier, a well-known provider of insulation solutions, and an international pharmaceutical company.
Lucy is often ranked as one of the leading patent attorneys in the UK. Lucy is ranked as a Patent Star in IP Stars and by Legal 500 as a Recommended Lawyer. Client testimonials have rated Lucy as “highly recommended for EPO proceedings” and “my benchmark [for] ability and professionalism”.
Lucy is a Board member of the European Patent Litigators’ Association (EPLIT), the association for European Patent Attorneys who may act before the Unified Patent Court (UPC), national courts and in inter partes proceedings at the European Patent Office, and acts as chair of EPLIT’s Education and Training Working Group.
Lucy’s technical areas of specialism are in the chemical, FMCG, medical and chemical engineering fields. Examples include:
• Detergents and their components
• Household fragrance products
• Polymeric films and fibres
• Structural glass products
• Vaccine delivery systems
• Absorbent articles and materials
• Food and drink products
• Personal care products including skin and hair care products
• Man-made vitreous fibre products such as insulation products and horticultural growth media
Lucy performs specialist work in European Patent Office opposition and appeal proceedings in a wide variety of technology areas.
She has also acted as an expert witness in the English court on the topic of law and procedure in the EPO, for which she has been commended as “a thoroughly professional…impressive and measured witness.”
[the exact quote was: She gave her evidence in a thoroughly professional way and was an impressive and measured witness.]
European Patent Attorney
UK Patent Attorney
UPC Representative
Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA)
Member of the European Patent Institute (EPI)
Member of the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA)
Board member of EPLIT
Member of AIPLA
Lucy is co-chair of AIPLA’s Women In IP Law International Sub-Committee, and is a member of the team that arranges AIPLA’s Women In IP Law annual Global Networking Event.
Lucy joined the firm in 1992 and qualified as a UK Patent Attorney in 1996 and as a European Patent Attorney in 1997. She was a Partner for 20 years from 2000 to 2020 and is now Director.